Circle Sticky Wall


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Circle Sticky Wall. This is a great activity for developing baby’s (or toddler’s!) fine motor skills! All you need is contact paper, painters tape or similar, and something to stick—here I cut up 50 cent plastic folders (they are everywhere right now in the back-to-school section).

It can be set up for standing or sitting babies—at standing height, lower on the wall for baby to lean forward, or on the floor.

Contact paper is usually used for lining drawers (find it in the kitchen section of Target), but you can take clear contact paper, peel off the back, and tape it to the wall sticky side out!

Cut some plastic folders into circles—these stick well to the contact paper but come off easily enough as well. I made circles because other shapes can be a bit sharp if made out of this thin plastic (make sure your circles are big enough and a thick enough material that they aren’t choking hazards, and as always, supervise). If peeling these off is too challenging for your little, fold one edge of the circles so they have a little handle to pull.

You can also use toys, I attached some puzzle pieces for some variety (I love these sound puzzles because they are so great for working on baby’s pincer grasp-link below for this puzzle). I let baby peel them off then I stuck them back for her, but older babies and toddlers will like doing both!

For toddlers, you can tape off several squares on the wall behind the contact paper (or use permanent marker on the back—just make sure it doesn’t transfer to the wall) and ask them to rearrange the circles by color!

If you don’t have contact paper you can try this with some packing tape, but contact paper is nice because of its size and because it isn’t overly sticky. I got the idea of a contact paper wall from @acraftyliving!
