Land and Sea Sensory Bags


Land and Sea sensory bags for baby! These are so fun and easy, and you can switch up what you put inside easily, and reuse the bags several times. These are great when your baby doesn’t love tummy time, and is able to hold up her head enough to explore with her hands. These bags can also be used for sitting babies!


Gather ziplock bags, tape, hair gel, food coloring, and small animals or items like shells and pebbles.
Squirt the hair gel and a few drops of food coloring into the ziplock bag and close the bag, letting the air out. Mix the food coloring into the gel.

Open the bag back up and add the found objects. Close and tape the bag to the floor for tummy time, or high chair tray for seated play.
Let baby explore! Talk to baby about the different objects or animals, if you have an older child as well they can help by explaining to baby and making each animal sound.
