Peek-a-Boo Sensory Board


Peek-a-Boo Sensory Board! Engage baby with an easy DIY board for touching and feeling different materials. Using diaper wipe lids to house the materials makes this activity even more fun for older babies because they can play peek-a-boo with the objects! This is a great craft for babies who are able to reach out and grab, and up! You can place this in front of baby during tummy time, or let baby play with it sitting. What you need are:


Hot glue gun

Materials such as felt, dry pasta, pom poms, corrugated cardboard, bubble wrap, or whatever else you have!

Diaper wipe lids (you can use however many you would like! A good start is 2-6.

Cut out a piece of cardboard that will fit all the lids. The wider you spread out the lids the easier for baby to access the materials, so if you are making this for tummy time you may want to stagger them or spread them out more than I did.

Cut down any materials to fit behind the lid, like felt or fabrics, and hot glue them to the back of the lids. Hot glue the lids down.

For materials that will fit inside the opening, like the rotini pasta shown, glue the lid down first, then hot glue the pasta inside, checking to make sure the lid closes as you go along.

In order from top left to bottom right the materials I used were Cybele’s rotini pasta, glitter glue (I taped white paper on the back then applied glue inside and let it dry, sequin fabric (cut from a gift bag from Target), pom poms, felt, and spaghetti noodles (cut to fit and applied to the back).

This took about half an hour to make, but I was trying to make it somewhat presentable for you! If you don’t mind it being a bit more haphazard it could be even faster! Norah has had a blast with thisi. She cannot open the lids if I close them all the way yet, so I leave them ajar, but she loves to open and close the lids! She has liked touching the pom poms the most, and all the materials except perhaps the glue. If you make this I would love to see your creations! This hack was inspired by !

