Pop Drop


Pop Drop👇🏼 This fine motor activity is so easy to set up! All you need for this 12 mo and up activity is popsicle or craft sticks (a few will do!) and a container you can cut a hole in--I used a cocoa tin.
Setting up activities like this is a great way to involve skill acquisition into your baby or toddler's day. They don't have to do the activity for long for it to be beneficial. On average their attention span is 2-3 minutes, so keep this toy on rotation and bring it out every day for a week while you supervise closely, for example, to prolong play.
Simply cut a hole in the lid that is slightly larger than the popsicle stick. Let your little figure out how to turn and poke the sticks through the hole. She may get frustrated, which is normal. Help her a bit or encourage her.
