Egg Carton Puff Pick Up


Egg carton pick up! Super easy and surprisingly engaging, this activity just takes a paper egg carton and a food baby can pick up like rice puffs. This is a fun way for baby to practice her pincer grasp, and develop fine motor skills. If she insists on problem solving by flipping the carton over, just place a few puffs at a time, and add more as needed. You can also do this activity with a muffin tin or an ice cube tray, a muffin tin is a little heavier, which will help with babies who want to flip the whole thing over!

This is great for babies who can sit well, are eating solids, and working on their pincer grasp. Of course, older babies and toddlers can enjoy this as well! You can use foods other than puffs, just watch out for choking hazards and always supervise!
