Pipe Cleaner Pull


Pipe Cleaner Pull! This fine motor activity is easy to set up and kept my 12 month old interested for a while! She actually went back to it several times, which is a huge win in my books! 💃🏽 I took inexpensive, colorful pipe cleaners and threaded them through the holes in a colander. 👌🏼 I bent each end back on itself, about half an inch, to make the activity more difficult and to make the pointy ends stick out less. Pipe cleaners are a bit sharp on the ends, so supervise closely. If your baby is in the heavy mouthing phase, it may be better to wait till they are less inclined to eat everything.
Save this activity for a day you really need an easy set up! This is appropriate for sitting babies and up, but use your judgement, you know your baby best.
