Taste-Safe Sand


Taste-Safe Sand! This activity is a fun sensory opportunity for baby, and you don’t have to worry about taste-testing! 😜 This activity has a little more involved set-up than most of my hacks, and is well suited for older babies or toddlers, but doable for sitting babies and up. This flour, oil, water, and food coloring concoction, created by the genius @mothercould, is cooked, and comes out moldable, yet crumbly. 👌🏼 For babies, this activity is best done in just a diaper outside or in a storage bin, when baby is done you can dump the “sand” into a bowl or bag to toss, and just wipe down the bin.
How to:

Preheat your oven to 300 F

Pour 2 cups of flour into a baking dish

Mix several drops of food coloring into 1/4 cup water and add to the flour (the food coloring is optional)

Mix well with your hands, removing clumps by sifting/rubbing between your palms.

Bake at 300 F in 10 minute intervals, removing and sifting/rubbing between your palms to remove clumps, and repeating the process until the mixture is dry. This took me about 30 minutes total.

When the sand is cool, add 6 tbsp of vegetable oil, sifting with your hands again. Add more oil to make the sand stick together more, if needed.
Give baby some tablespoons, scoops, and cups to play with the sand, and use this as an opportunity to talk to baby about scooping, patting, and pouring!
