Egg Carton Shoe


Egg Carton Shoe! Do you have a baby who is obsessed with shoes, or an older child who needs practice lacing shoes? If so comment below, and check out this play hack recreated from @otplayfortoday, it is genius! Just take a cardboard egg carton, or a shoebox, and poke 10-12 holes like shown. If your child is older, lacing the egg carton themselves is a challenge and superb way to develop fine motor skills. If this is for a younger child or baby, lace the “shoe” for them (use old washed laces or even ribbon )and let them have fun playing around with it or teach them to tie a bow. This is a fun baby “toy” that takes two minutes to make, pull it out to occupy your little when they are getting antsy!

We have a resident shoe-licker at our house so we have to hide all the shoes!
